I have done this in the past and it worked great. I need to do it again and can’t make it work to save my life.
i am using Asterisk Now 1.4 with Grandstream Budgetone200 phones
I have done the proper programming in the phones to allow the speaker to turn on
In the extensions.conf file I made a new contex [one_way-paging-group]
In it I put
exten=> _**1,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0)
exten=> _**1,2,Page(${One_Way_Paging_List}|)
exten=> _**1,3, Hangup
Last tine I did this **1 would page extension 2111 and 2112
Now I get a 404 The log says
[Sep 16 21:30:25] NOTICE[2551] chan_sip.c: Call from ‘2112’ to extension ‘**1’ rejected because extension not found.