kinda newbie question, but i am stuck with the caller id of the extensions.
i do have a sip trunk that has 5 numbers (000, …, 004), default is 000 number.
all of my users at the moment are using the default number of the trunk 000, but i would like to define my users 400-420 have their caller id:
-extensions 400-409 they will have 001 as incoming and outgoing number
-extensions 410-415 they will have 002 as incoming and outgoing number
-extensions 416-418 they will have 003 as incoming and outgoing number
-extension 419 will have 004 as incoming and outgoing number
-extension 420 will have 000 as incoming and outgoing number
please some help to differentiate my users caller id.
i am running asterisk 11.3