

I use this command " exten => unmute,n,MeetMeAdmin(room_number,m,${caller})",
Caller is the number of the participant that I want to mute, but when the number of participant is not in the room I get a notice in the CLI:
"NOTICE[17723]: app_meetme.c:4244 admin_exec: Specified User not found!"
And the program continues from there as it should,

My question is, is there a way to use that answer in the program? Is there a way to get a result of whether it works or not?

Thank you for your help.

In 1.8.7, the command

core show application MeetMeAdmin

describes the variable: ${MEETMEADMINSTATUS}
and it’s values:
NOPARSE: Invalid arguments.
NOTFOUND: User specified was not found.
FAILED: Another failure occurred.
OK: The operation was completed successfully.

That variable information is not there in 1.4 command output so there may be differences in the version you are running.

Thank you,
Helped me a lot.