in my some asterisk server there is only Master.csv file under cdr-csv and in some server i see multiple files under cdr-csv with name like 353405.csv,353403.csv and the creation date of these files are on every minutes almost
what is the difference between these two files can i stop creation these multiple .csv files and also can i delete these files at everynight??
there is a setting in cdr cofig if to use account code or just master
usegmtime=yes ; log date/time in GMT. Default is βnoβ
loguniqueid=yes ; log uniqueid. Default is βnoβ
loguserfield=yes ; log user field. Default is βnoβ
accountlogs=yes ; create separate log file for each account code. Default is βyesβ
you mean if I enable accountlogs=yes then multiple .csv files would get created and If I comment this then only Master.csv would get created? And also if I delete these files at every night the same will not impact records those are already have written in my CDR
and master.csv is seperate file which gets created and contains entire cdr?
multiple .csv which gets created for every account code are these files contains only single record?