Linksys spa3000 call waiting

I am having an issue with call waiting on the linksys spa3000.

I get the call waiting tone, but cannot flash over to pick it up.

I have tried disabling call waiting for my ext in asterisk, disabling in the sipura, sending double hook flash, I cannot find the correct settings to make this work.

It seems to always come out to one of two situations…

  1. get CWT press flash => receive dialtone from sipura/asterisk
  2. get CWT press flash => nothing happens, stays on first call…

I am lost, I looked through the forums, and and cannot find any answers…

call waiting hook flash method can be a real problem on the spa3k - probably need to be more specific what exactly you are trying to do. If you are trying to flash the incoming fxo line - you may as well forget it, it is really problematic and un-reliable.


I have given up on flashing the fxo line, i will disable call waiting on the line, and setup call forward busy to one of my iax trunks.
That way asterisk will handle the call waiting…