ISDN calls all of a sudden not working anymore

Hi all,

I can 't remember having changed anything on my Asterisk PBX, nevertheless I can’t call out via ISDN:

-- Executing [225@intern:1] Dial("SIP/652-08fa9090", "misdn/g:beronet1/225") in new stack

[Mar 26 17:56:35] NOTICE[3850]: chan_misdn.c:3863 add_out_calls: Rejecting Outgoing Call on port[1]
– Couldn’t call g:beronet1/225

Card seems to be working since external calls are comming in.

This is what I get after enabling debug:

P[ 0] --> Group Call group: beronet1
P[ 1] Group [beronet1] Port [1]
P[ 1] portup:1
P[ 0] --> * NEW CHANNEL dad:225 oad:(null)
P[ 1] * Queuing chan 0x8fadd60
P[ 1] read_config: Getting Config
P[ 1] config_jb: Called
P[ 1] --> * CallGrp: PickupGrp:
P[ 1] --> TON: Unknown
P[ 1] --> LTON: Unknown
P[ 1] --> CTON: Unknown

Anyone any clues?



Never mind. Apparently I’ve deleted one too many lines in misdn.conf. These were lines that Asterisk complained about. It’s strange however that only today they seem to cause trouble.