Running on RedHat 7.3 Linux. Downloaded latest tar for asterisk-1.4.1.
Expanded tar, ran configure, and ran make without issue.
Hitting a problem running make install.
Make enters the ‘sound’ subdirectory of my build hierarchy
(/homes/packages/asterisk-1.4.1/sounds) and then complains that I
need fetch or wget enabled to get some required files. Turning on make
debugging reveals it’s looking for something in the file or directory
/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/.asterisk-core-sounds-en-gsm-1.4.6 (notice
the dot). I tried making a dummy directory at this location but no joy.
There is a file with a similar name, asterisk-core-sounds-en-gsm-1.4.6.tar
located in my buildl hierarchy /homes/packages/asterisk-1.4.1/sounds,
so I don’t believe I need to download anything extra.
How do I create this mystery dot file?