How Play a audio file for caller and agent Simultaneously

In one of my solutions, It should be played one audio sound file for both caller and agent after agent answerd a call. I use Queue application with macro(for agent) and AGI(for caller). but the audio file is not played as Simultaneously.
How can i do it as Simultaneously?
With Regards.Mojtaba

This is a bit tricky but may be achieved with the help of following,
->Option gosub of Queue app. ( gosub:Will run a gosub on the calling party’s channel once they are connected to a queue member.)
->Application Originate. (Use local Channel. Originate will block the call but then you can put Answer() in context. Pass channel name to be spied on as Extension. something like local/${CHANNEL_TO_BE_SPIED_ON}@play_message … …)
->Application Chanspy.

–Satish Barot