How can use skill based routing in inbound call center


I am planning to develop a inbound call center. My customer need skill based routing.

Also i am planning to develop premium customer feature in inbound callcenter.
how it works is if a customer calling first time, his all information will store in database.
for example

a call 1234567890 ----> lands in asterisk pbx ------> connected with my agent 1000

a popup will display in desktop. all information will store in database. after that if he calls again he must connect with 1000.not with any other agent.

all agents are one queue. i have given roudrobin option there. 1000 to 1009 agents are there in that queue

also for skill based i want 1000 agent extension in both queue1 and queue2.
i know if i put 1000 in both will work but how the call will route.

thanks & regards



I will give you the logic and not publicly tell you, PM me I will explain you how to do.




If you intend to charge for this (and in my view the requirement is sufficiently complex to require that), you should say so up front. Otherwise, you should not deny the information to the rest of the forum readers. I’ve noticed you’ve made several offers to take things to PM.

Hi David,

Actually the some of the topics I found to use for commercial purpose. Thats why I propose them to do PM and then I will explain them. No, I don’t have interest to charge them for support.

