Hardware need in Asterisk PBX System

Any one tried Celeron 2.66g + 512mb can support how many SIP Cilent ?

Thank you for Support

Any one tried Celeron 2.66g + 512mb can support how many SIP Cilent ?

Thank you for Support[/quote]

That’s fine for a small setup as long as you don’t plan on doing much transcoding. Transcoding apparently kills CPU’s with low cache. Can’t remember the approx cycles per ulaw call. Maybe count on 30Mhz per simultaneous call but don’t quote me on that.

I’m running a Sempron 3000 (2Ghz) with Softecho and it doesn’t even break a sweat running a couple simultaneous calls from SIP to/from Zap plus a couple more on MOH.

Thx mustardman

But do you have tried count can support how much current call ,Becase some one said intel Xeon +2g can support up to 3000 client and 120 current call in same time .

and What mainbaord are you using . Thx

Thank you for Support :unamused: :smiley:

[quote=“alexccy”]Thx mustardman

But do you have tried count can support how much current call ,Becase some one said intel Xeon +2g can support up to 3000 client and 120 current call in same time .

and What mainbaord are you using . Thx

Thank you for Support :unamused: :smiley:[/quote]

It’s not so much how many clients you have but how many actual calls going on. Then again when your talking numbers like 3000 all the minor background traffic each client generates when idle might start to add up. I don’t see any reason a Xeon 2ghz couldn’t do 120 calls as long as there is no transcoding going on or lots of other things like music on hold, announcements, voicemails etc. When your talking numbers like 3000 clients that’s more serious stuff and I would definitely spend a bit more to make sure you have plenty of horsepower. Maybe a dual Xeon board.

Just my 2 cents. I don’t have any personal experience with really big systems.

I use the SuperMicro PDSME board which is not a Xeon board. Supermicro makes some very nice Xeon boards. We are at about 120days of uptime now.

Thx :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: