Error: stack smashing detected - webrtc

Anyone know what is the meaning of this error?
Does anyone face this earlier?

***CLI> *** stack smashing detected ***: <unknown> terminated**

As soon as I refresh my web page to connect webrtc asterisk stopped. But this is not happening when connecting using linphone or zoiper.

What version of Asterisk is in use? Does Asterisk itself crash?

I am using asterisk-16.15
no whenever I tried to connect webrtc.

Also when I run asterisk using command: “asterisk -c” it sometime doesn’t crash.
Don’t know what is the reason.

Anyone any solution???
I am still not been able to find anything, sometime it work and sometime didnt.

I don’t think anyone on here will be able to help, you’d need to file an issue[1] with complete details including backtrace.


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