Asterisk 1.2.17
Zaptel 1.2.16 / TDM400P (If that is relevant).
Echo on SIP / IAX2 Channel via 2 different ITSP’s.
Running Asterisk on P4 / 3.2Ghz / 512Mb / TDM400P
5 endpoints (Digium IAXy).
When calling outbound the called party heres their own voice in a strong echo approx half a second.
Ping to ITSP server is averaging 29ms
What I have tried:
2 Different ITSP’s
Both SIP and IAX2 from Asterisk to ITSP
Tried different CODECS (Ulaw / GSM / G729)
I have tried various combinations of following in [general] of sip.conf and iax.conf
echocancel= true / yes / 64 / 128 / 256
echotraining=800 / 1200 / 200
echocancelwhenbridged=yes / no
I have also tried adjusting volume on handset and tried different handset.
I believe HPEC won’t help as Digium site says it is for Zaptel hardware.
I am a bit stressed with this since the echo is so bad, if I can’t fix it I will surely have to take it out
It might be worth mentioning that non of the changes I made had any affect at all. Same prominent half / one second delay experienced by called party. (their own voice).
Help will be REALLY appreciated!