Does the Playtones application work for anybody here?

Before posting a bug report on, I’d like to hear from others about the functionality of the Playtones application and, when dtmfmode=inband, of SendDTMF and the D() option of Dial, both of which also fall back on using the same primitive as Playtones (senddtmf_exec(struct ast_channel *chan, void *data) in apps/app_senddtmf.c). On several machines I set up, and both with Asterisk 1.0.7 and the CVS HEAD of one week ago, none of them works.

For Playtones, I have the following lines in extensions.conf:

exten => **804,1,Answer
exten => **804,2,PlayTones(!697+1336/1000,!0/100) ; Play 2
exten => **804,3,PlayTones(!770+1336/1000,!0/100) ; Play 5
exten => **804,4,PlayTones(!852+1336/1000,!0/100) ; Play 8
exten => **804,5,PlayTones(!852+1477/1000,!0/100) ; Play 9
exten => **804,6,PlayTones(ring)
exten => **804,7,Hangup

Therefore, I would expect that dialling the extension “**804” a caller heard the acoustic equivalent of the DTMF tones for “2589”, with each digit playing for one second and interdigit separation of 100 ms. However, I hear nothing, although the CLI reports:

    -- Executing Answer("SIP/spa3kline1-ebf5", "") in new stack
    -- Executing Playtones("SIP/spa3kline1-ebf5", "!697+1336/1000|!0/100") in new stack
    -- Executing Playtones("SIP/spa3kline1-ebf5", "!770+1336/1000|!0/100") in new stack
    -- Executing Playtones("SIP/spa3kline1-ebf5", "!852+1336/1000|!0/100") in new stack
    -- Executing Playtones("SIP/spa3kline1-ebf5", "!852+1477/1000|!0/100") in new stack
    -- Executing Playtones("SIP/spa3kline1-ebf5", "ring") in new stack
    -- Executing Hangup("SIP/spa3kline1-ebf5", "") in new stack

Note that the CLI lines are printed very quickly, rather than taking 4 * (1000 + 100) milliseconds.

For SendDTMF, the entry in extensions.conf is:

exten => **802,1,Answer
exten => **802,2,SendDTMF(w1w2w3w4w#w)
exten => **802,3,Hangup

Again, calling **802 results in the call being answered, but nothing played if dtmfmode=inband. Here the situation is even worse, because the CLI doesn’t report the execution of Hangup():

    -- Executing Answer("SIP/spa3kline1-1c5b", "") in new stack
    -- Executing SendDTMF("SIP/spa3kline1-1c5b", "w1w2w3w4w#w") in new stack

…and if I issue the command “show channels” before hanging up on the caller’s side I get:

OpenWrt*CLI> sip show channels
Peer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format     spa3kline1  7d3f87e0-d7  00101/00102   ulaw
1 active SIP channel(s)

This goes away after hanging up:

OpenWrt*CLI> show channels
        Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data      
0 active channel(s)

Similar results occur with the D() option of Dial(), as in the following case where calling the extension **801 should result in a call being placed to the extension 3001, and in the digits “1234#” being sent to the callee (with 500 ms pauses before and after the string of digits) before bridging the two sides:

exten => **801,1,Dial(local/3001,50,D(w1234#w${EXTEN:1}#))

As in the SendDTMF case, this only works if dtmfmode is NOT inband.

Can anybody run a quick test on his/her system and confirm or refute my results?

Thanks in advance,
