Delayed MWI

I have a client running Asterisk SVN r324242 that is having issues with delayed MWI notification to their Polycom 330 endpoints. Sometimes MWI won’t be registered on the phone for up to 12 hours later.

No external manipulation of voicemails is taking place outside of app_voicemail.

I have added these lines to voicemail.conf:
pollmailboxes = yes
pollfreq = 60

The problem is occurring on more than one extension. The mailbox setting is set properly for these affected extensions in sip.conf.

Any ideas?

I have the same issue with Asterisk and Aastra 6757 phones. I believe the issue to be that Asterisk is not always sending the notification, but haven’t proved it.

As a work around, I’ve implemented a script…cron runs it every 10 minutes. It finds directories with a message in it and then generates a “dummy” message. This causes asterisk to trigger a mwi notification. Then I remove the dummy message.


cd /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default
for dir in `ls`; do
echo $dir
cd $dir
if [ -e ./INBOX/msg0000.txt ]; then
  echo "have file";
  echo x > msg9999.txt
  sleep 3
  rm msg9999.txt
cd ..