Hi there,
I’ve found quite contradictory information on the possibility to let * generate a courtesy tone when a attended transfer takes place. The idea: when person A calls B to announce an external caller, person B should hear a short tone to indicate when A has hung up and B’s talking to the caller.
We are running Asterisk 10 and - after a server crash requiring a fresh install - we HAD this tone although I copied the whole /etc/asterisk, /var/lib/asterisk/sounds and /var/lib/asterisk/moh over the blank install version! I’ve not installed the examples. It simply worked.
But then the customer sent some new announcements and moh files and I deleted the in my opinion unnecessary files from /var/lib/asterisk/sounds (of course not beep.gsm and others) Now I wonder if I really deleted a special beep file needed for this feature, or what made the tranfer beep go.
Any ideas?