Cel logging to odbc

I’m having trouble getting cel to log to mysql via odbc.

I am logging cdr via cdr_adaptive_odbc so I know the backend is working OK.

but when I issue the cel show status command I get the following output
CEL Logging: Disabled

I have checked cel.conf and I have the following set:

and i have added the following to cel_odbc.conf which is similar to my cdr_adaptive_odbc config

I have also checked in modules.conf that all of the cel modules are to be loaded and when I list the loaded moduals I get this

module show like cel
Module Description Use Count Status Support Level
app_celgenuserevent.so Generate an User-Defined CEL event 0 Running core
cel_custom.so Customizable Comma Separated Values CEL 0 Running core
cel_manager.so Asterisk Manager Interface CEL Backend 0 Running core
cel_odbc.so ODBC CEL backend 0 Running core
cel_sqlite3_custom.so SQLite3 Custom CEL Module 0 Not Running extended
res_format_attr_celt.so CELT Format Attribute Module 0 Running core
6 modules loaded

So why is this not working? anything else to check?


Got this working by having to select all applications.

can know that how do you fix that…? i got same problem in here