Channels Ring correctly but there is no voice

Hello. I could configurate asterisk to work with a SIP channel (FWD) and a ZAP channel (FXO X100P).
The idea is to have 2 FWD accounts and a line connected to the X100P card.
I register one FWD account in asterisk when it starts. Then i can call to this FWD account from my other FWD account and i want to redirect the call to my ZAP channel. And equally i want to call through the ZAP channel to comunicate to my FWD account. This is the schema:

  1. FWD1(remote PC) ---------> FWD2 (Asterisk) --------> ZAP
  2. ZAP ----------->Asterisk ------------> FWD1(remote PC)

I could call in 1), my telephone rings correctly but i cant hear anything in any extreme.
And i could call in 2), my soft telephone rings correctly but i cant hear anything in any extreme.
Therefore i could hear the congratulations messages played by asterisk in 2) but not int 1).
Does anyone know what is the problem?

you probably have a SIP NAT conflict.

figure out what your external IP address is (it isnt 192.168.anything). Then on your router, forward UDP ports 5060 and 10000-20000 to your Asterisk box.

In asterisk, sip.conf, set localnet= and externip=. There are examples in the default config file of what it should look like. Also set nat=yes in [general]

try FWD again. You should have a much better result.