Asterisk with Google Voice Help


I’m trying to get a connection setup to use my Google Voice account with my existing Asterisk PBX at home. I’ve hit a block early in the process while trying to get some dependencies installed for res_xmpp and chan_motif. I’m running Asterisk 12 on Ubuntu 12.04.3 and have installed libiksemel-dev & libssl-dev but when I go into menuselect I still have XXX by res_xmpp. If I do a 'dpkg -s ’ it does show as installed. How do I get Asterisk to recognize these installed dependencies?


Did You re-run ./configure after installing the dependencies (libiksemel-dev & libssl-dev) ?

No, I didn’t and that was the problem. Thank you. I was using the O’Reilly Definitive guide as a reference for menuselect since I don’t typically need to wander far from my base install but it didn’t cover this particular issue. Thanks again.


I take that back. What I should have said is I was just too impatient to get to the chapter that covers this particular issue.

Asterisk - The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition
Chapter 18. External Services > Using XMPP (Jabber) with Asterisk

Covers this perfectly. My bad.