What are the pros and cons if I decided to setup one asterisk database handling Realtime SIP user for two separate Asterisk box. Example 1 asterisk box is located in Hong Kong and the other one in Kuala Lumpur. The database server is located in Kuala Lumpur.
I Think it is possible as if bothe Asterisk Loactede at diffrent Locations& not decided to connect with each other.
Under this only thing is use single Mysql database server at Kula lumpur & then make 2 databse fisrt one name with Hongkong db & second as Kulalumpur DB.
it is posible beacuse As 2 asterisk not connected with other & Also due both the server ip address diffrent & all the mysql db,CDR db config at Asterisk conf. file are diffrent means diffrent name. it.s posibel with diffrent nameing. sot its good solution.
thanks for replying. Based from your explanation, I need to create two separate database in 1 database server, am I right?, but this means I have to maintain 2 asterisk database in 1 database server for Asterisk SIP realtime user. I’m thinking to have 1 database to handle all the Asterisk Realtime SIP user. My idea is to enable the user to register to any Asterisk box which is nearer to them. Is this a good solution?..I’ve already tried this and managed to register. Now I’m trying to figure out how to connect the user if they are from different location e.g User A in Hong Kong and User B in KL. If the user is in the same location this wouldn’t be a problem b’cos I able to connect them with the dialplan. Any suggestion or solution on how to connect the user from different location?