Asterisk install seems oblivious to Zaptel

After a long time using an older version of Asterisk with an X100 card and a modem to grab UK caller ID and store it in Asterisk Database to be recalled by the dialplan I finally gave up and purchased an A400 card. Due to issues with the old PC I was using I changed it for a newer one and installed FC3, the card, the current version of Zaptel and then the current version of Asterisk. Everything worked brilliantly until a disk problem caused me to re-install from scratch. I tried FC 3 and FC 5 as FC 8 seemed to be a bridge to far for installing Zaptel.

On reinstalling I installed Zaptel and everything worked okay, card initialised and relevant devices show on the system with root ownership as I required. The appropriate LED’s are lit on the backplane. So far so good.

I then installed the current version of Asterisk but it did not install Zap support, I tried the version after current and found same problem. Asterisk seems to be disregarding Zaptel alltogether.

I have spent days trying to resolve this and have got absolutly nowhere and hoped that one of the wise people around these parts might be able to advise.

When installing Asterisk and using menuselect the Zaptel entries are marked XXX.

Please can someone give me a clue as to what is wrong, It worked a few days ago and now I cannot seem to get anywhere.

I have repeated this with both FC3 and FC5, currently I am using FC5.

Zaptel needs the kernel sources, so is the kernel-devel package installed ?


Marco Bruni

If kernel sources are not installed it refuses to even consider installing (I think), in my case the installation of Zaptel went smoothly so I can only assume that everything is fine. As I said, the card is initialised and lit up as I write this. The relevant devices also show in the /dev tree.

I will confirm this is definatly the case later on today and report back as soon as I can.

Thank you for taking the time to try and assist, it really is appreciated.

Note that the only other thing to report is that I did amend the source code slightly (wctdm.c) as I am messing about with an old fashioned dial phone as an experiment. The idea being to see if asterisk performs suitably on very old equipment so it can be used in old / heritage buildings but uusing retro phones. The alteration has worked fine previously in this exact same PC and the extension concerned performed almost perfectly. The alteration I refer to is altering the hook debounce time to work with UK pulse rates as specified on


I hope this is sufficient, I just ran ‘install_prereq test’ and it reports no issues.

[code][root@asterisk zaptel-1.2.25]# ./install_prereq test

test: test mode.

Use the commands here to install your system.


test completed successfully

(in test mode)



I have re-installed FC3. installed zaptel, once again without problems. I then updated udev and then copied across my old config to /etc/zaptel.conf. On restart card initialised okay.
I then ran ztcfg, everything reported okay.
I then ran zttool, everything reported okay.
I checked dev tree, everything is there, I checked /proc/zaptel, everything is as expected.

I went on to install Asterisk. during install I noticed when I ran make menuselect that zaptel was marked XXX so when I installed again zap is still not seen by Asterisk even though zap is installed and appears to be working.

I have been using Asterisk for several years without problems and I even had this same card and computer running perfectly before I had to re-install.


I have spent so many hours on this now I am beginning to give up. I have not been able to use my analogue line or extension for around a week now and have had to use a phone plugged straight in to the line to answer calls. I have to keep the server running to use sip extensions and sip services although any extension, analogue or sip used to be able to use any service, analogue or sip. What I have at the moment is not acceptable and is next to useless.


What versions are you using ?

As i see zaptel-1.2.25 the you talk about menuselect which is 1.4

Which are you using ?


menuselect was in Asterisk Make not Zaptel. This refers to the Zaptel Support.

Currently zaptel-1.2.25 and asterisk-

On the digium downloads page these are the ones marked as current (I think). I have probably tried most combinations of most versions by now but Asterisk does not compile with zap support.


I cant believe what I did, I just re-read my response above and realised what I had done immediately.

I changed to Zaptel 1.4 current and recompiled Asterisk. Of course it worked first time.

What a waste of a week and a silly reason for a headache. :blush:

Thanks for helping me realise ianplain, It seems I did need the obvious pointing out afterall :blush:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
