Asterisk 20.8.1 - No Verbose in log file

I am having problems were my Asterisk 20.8 servers aren’t verbose logging information in the messages log folder.

I have compared all my config files to my Asterisk 16.19.1 server where the verbose is getting logged and they are identical

What is the contents of the logger.conf file?

console => notice,warning,error
messages => notice,warning,error,verbose,debug

I have done more testing and while I have asterisk -rvvv running the verbose is getting written to the log file.
On my asterisk 16 server its passively writes all the dial plan from verbose and even endpoint events to the log file.

I figured it out, it’s the different way Asterisk is started.

Asterisk 20:

/usr/sbin/asterisk -mqf -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf

Asterisk 16:

/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c

I will have to figure out if I can change it in the system service file