ARI support on Ast v13 server

I have deployments with Asterisk versions as old as 13 / 14 / 15. I may want to deploy an ARI tool I’m creating on those servers and would hate to upgrade them because they are so old (don’t want to upgrade if I don’t have to). They are not exposed to the public IP/PSTN so little security risk.

Do these old Asterisk versions support ARI? Is there documentation somewhere showing what ARI changes were made by version?

According to my notes, ARI was introduced in Asterisk 12.

But seriously, would you entrust mission-critical business operations to obsolete, unsupported software?

If they were my PBX’s I would upgrade, but the question is will the customer pay to upgrade them if they are working. (Generally the answer is no). I know I can make a case, but not worth my time. I was just hoping to offer a simple add-on to their PBX’s for a nice feature…but if I have to roll in the cost of upgrades it won’t be worth consideration.

Also…I don’t want the headache of looking at old dialplans to see if something breaks following an upgrade. Just noodling this idea…

Something else to note is that ARI has had fixes/improvements/new features added over time, so even if it supports ARI it is not equivalent to later versions so it depends on usage whether it will work or not.

if the custormer do not want to upgrade you can always back port any feature or bugfixes
and then maintain there own patches
guess what is cheaper :slight_smile:

True, but then I eat that cost…so still just a thought with no clear answer.

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