Receiving calls with callerid, joining the call queue while answering the phone. When I watch the CLI, the call travels to every extension in the queue but never rings on the extension side, there is no action. Also why am i getting a warning like “Nobody picked up in 0 ms”, what does it mean.
exten => _X.,1,Verbose(3,---------> Q DEBUG CALLEE: ${CALLEE})
exten => _X.,2,Verbose(3,---------> Q DEBUG QUEUE: ${QUEUE})
exten => _X.,3,Set(CALLERID(all)=${CALLEE})
exten => _X.,4,Set(thisQueue=${QUEUE})
exten => _X.,5,GotoIf($["${thisQueue}" = ""]?invalid_queue,1)
exten => _X.,6,Verbose(2, ---------> Entering the ${thisQueue} queue)
exten => _X.,7,Queue(${thisQueue})
exten => _X.,8,Hangup()
exten => _X.,1,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG EXTEN: ${EXTEN})
exten => _X.,2,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG CHANNEL: ${CHANNEL})
exten => _X.,3,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG CALLERID(num): ${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _X.,4,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG CALLERID(name): ${CALLERID(name)})
exten => _X.,5,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG UNIQUEID: ${UNIQUEID})
exten => _X.,6,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG CALLEE: ${CALLEE})
exten => _X.,7,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG CALLER: ${CALLER})
exten => _X.,8,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG QUEUE: ${QUEUE})
exten => _X.,9,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG CALLER_ID: ${CALLER_ID})
exten => _X.,10,Verbose(3,---------> DEBUG HANGUPCAUSE: ${HANGUPCAUSE})
exten => _X.,11,Set(CALLERID(all)=${CALLER_ID})
exten => _X.,12,Dial(PJSIP/${CALLEE}@${CALLER},60)
exten => _X.,13,Set(CALLERID(all)=${CALLEE})
exten => _X.,14,Goto(queueplan,${QUEUE},1)
-- Called 00493442854382@mytrunk
-- PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e is making progress
> 0x7f20000d7740 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
-- PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e is making progress
-- PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e answered
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:1] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG EXTEN: 1999") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG EXTEN: 1999
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:2] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG CHANNEL: PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG CHANNEL: PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:3] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG CALLERID(num): 004933322211") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG CALLERID(num): 004933322211
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:4] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG CALLERID(name): 004933322211") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG CALLERID(name): 004933322211
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:5] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG UNIQUEID: 3356643") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG UNIQUEID: 3356643
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:6] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG CALLEE: 00493442854382") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG CALLEE: 00493442854382
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:7] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG CALLER: mytrunk") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG CALLER: mytrunk
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:8] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG QUEUE: 1999") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG QUEUE: 1999
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:9] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG CALLER_ID: 004933322211") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG CALLER_ID: 004933322211
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:10] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "3,---------> DEBUG HANGUPCAUSE: 0") in new stack
-- ---------> DEBUG HANGUPCAUSE: 0
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:11] Set("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "CALLERID(all)=004933322211") in new stack
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:12] Dial("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "PJSIP/00493442854382@mytrunk,60") in new stack
-- Called PJSIP/00493442854382@mytrunk
-- PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000f is making progress passing it to PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e
> 0x7f200008d910 -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to:
-- PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000f is making progress passing it to PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0)
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:13] Set("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "CALLERID(all)=00493442854382") in new stack
-- Executing [1999@dialerplan:14] Goto("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "queueplan,1999,4") in new stack
-- Goto (queueplan,1999,4)
-- Executing [1999@queueplan:4] Set("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "thisQueue=1999") in new stack
-- Executing [1999@queueplan:5] GotoIf("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "0?invalid_queue,1") in new stack
-- Executing [1999@queueplan:6] Verbose("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "2, ---------> Entering the 1999 queue") in new stack
== ---------> Entering the 1999 queue
-- Executing [1999@queueplan:7] Queue("PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e", "1999") in new stack
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'PJSIP/mytrunk-0000000e'
-- Executing [1002@from-queue:1] Set("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "QAGENT=1002") in new stack
-- Executing [1002@from-queue:2] Set("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "__FROMQ=true") in new stack
-- Executing [1002@from-queue:3] GotoIf("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "1?hangup") in new stack
-- Goto (from-queue,1002,5)
-- Executing [1002@from-queue:5] Macro("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "hangupcall,") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:1] GotoIf("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "1?theend") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,3)
-- Called Local/1002@from-queue/n
-- -- LazyMembers debugging - Numbusies: 0, Nummems: 9
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:3] ExecIf("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "0?Set(CDR(recordingfile)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:4] NoOp("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", " montior file= ") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:5] GotoIf("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "1?skipagi") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,7)
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:7] Hangup("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 7) exited non-zero on 'Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2' in macro 'hangupcall'
== Spawn extension (from-queue, 1002, 5) exited non-zero on 'Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2'
-- Executing [h@from-queue:1] Macro("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "hangupcall,") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:1] GotoIf("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "1?theend") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,3)
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:3] ExecIf("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "0?Set(CDR(recordingfile)=)") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:4] NoOp("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", " montior file= ") in new stack
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:5] GotoIf("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "1?skipagi") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-hangupcall,s,7)
-- Executing [s@macro-hangupcall:7] Hangup("Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2", "") in new stack
== Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 7) exited non-zero on 'Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2' in macro 'hangupcall'
== Spawn extension (from-queue, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'Local/1002@from-queue-0000003c;2'
-- Nobody picked up in 0 ms
-- Called Local/1004@from-queue/n
Getting tired with this. it shouldn’t be this hard.