Hi All,
I volunteered to work on a aa50 appliance for a church. The compact flash card got corrupted and is unrecoverable. I didn’t realize that the card had the provisioning for the Polycomm phones. I found a script in the /sbin directory that will rebuild the flash card for the sounds and for the phone provisioning. The sounds worked, but the provisioning has a bad address for the wget. The addresses that wget is pointing to is
The script is create_phoneprov. I see posts out there that for newer versions of asterisk that the script to use is update_phoneprov.
Does anybody have a aa50 that they could provide the correct repository to access the phone provision software for download or an aa50 that they could send me a zipped copy of the /var/lib/asterisk/phoneprov?
Here is the info for the aa50
OS Version:
Linux asteriskpbx #14 Mon Nov 19 08:56:09 CST 2007 blackfin unknown
Asterisk Build:
Asterisk autotag_for_sx00i- (sx00i
Asterisk GUI-version Revision: 1792 $
Yeah, I know it is an old version and will try and get it updated on Monday.
thanks in advance!