i just installed the latest version of Asterisk( after all configuration is done i am trying to connect X-lite.it is not registering.All it gives me is Registration error 405.Method Not Allowed.
Anyone knows what the problem might be.
[quote=“klakus”]i just installed the latest version of Asterisk( after all configuration is done i am trying to connect X-lite.it is not registering.All it gives me is Registration error 405.Method Not Allowed.
Anyone knows what the problem might be.[/quote]
May be, the problem is you forgot to post your configurations here.
Try removing the Proxy settings and be sure you add a rule for your iptables or stop the service with /et/init.d/iptables stop and try to register again the xlite
Remove the proxy settings and try to use “send output via: domain” instead.
I got home now and looked at my settings and that is what I have and it works for me!
hey guys.sorry 4 the delay.after i stopped the iptables service and removed the proxy settings.i decided to restart the whole system again.Well after startup X-lite was able to connect to my server.I think the problem had to do with either the iptables or the proxy.av not eliminated one yet.Thanks very much to you all for all the help.am most grateful,now i can get my system working