Why my phone dont have dial tone?

I have 2 questions

I’ve connected my phone to the fxs port, and it is dead, why? I read the tutorial of asterisk “future of…” and follow all instructions, everything is configured perfectly however it doesnt work, help me please…


it is about the telephone line, it is plug in asterisk, I was dono an echo test and it worked few weeks ago, but I tried the same test today and when a make a call I hear the echo of ring tone but if I start to talk, I cant hear anything, why??? :cry:

[quote]I’ve connected my phone to the fxs port, and it is dead, why? I read the tutorial of asterisk “future of…” and follow all instructions, everything is configured perfectly however it doesnt work, help me please…
[/quote]Well, what kind of adapter do you have ? A digium card, or ATA of some kind ? How have you set it up ?

For my ATAs, I work closely with the sip.conf file. I define a user as 1023 and in the sip.conf file I have a [1023] context that I work with at setting up. Both have to have the same passwords or secret= Once the ATA can be registered then you can start experimenting. Since I had two, I could call one to the other. Then I set about to getting the register= to function and the calling out via [voipaccount] area in sip.conf.

The more info you provide the more defined the missing is that I can help you discover what is left to do.[/quote]

I have a digium card, I have configured all, following the tutorial and i should be working fine, but it doesnt, the tutorial says that just plugging in and all will be working good, but not… in advance thanks