Where to Edit Asterisk Queue dialplan to excute AGI Scripts
Please help me out here as i could edit extensions_additional.conf
i’m using asterisk 11.25 on issabelpbx …
my queue is 8600 with only 2 static agents 1000 , 2000
please help me out
my queue in extensions_additional.conf
include => ext-queues-custom
exten => 8600,1,Macro(user-callerid,)
exten => 8600,n,Answer
exten => 8600,n,Macro(blkvm-set,reset)
exten => 8600,n,ExecIf($[“${REGEX(”(M[(]auto-blkvm[)])" ${DIAL_OPTIONS})}" != “1”]?Set(_DIAL_OPTIONS=${DIAL_OPTIONS}M(auto-blkvm)))
exten => 8600,n,Set(__NODEST=${EXTEN})
exten => 8600,n,Set(QCIDPP=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_CIDPP})}>0]?${VQ_CIDPP}: )})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_CIDPP=)
exten => 8600,n,ExecIf($[“${QCIDPP}”!=“”]?Macro(prepend-cid,${QCIDPP}))
exten => 8600,n,Set(QAINFO=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_AINFO})}>0]?${VQ_AINFO}: )})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_AINFO=)
exten => 8600,n,ExecIf($[“${QAINFO}”!=“”]?Set(__ALERT_INFO=${QAINFO}))
exten => 8600,n,Set(QJOINMSG=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_JOINMSG})}>0]?${IF($[“${VQ_JOINMSG}”!=“0”]?${VQ_JOINMSG}: )}: )})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_JOINMSG=)
exten => 8600,n,Set(QMOH=${IF($[“${VQ_MOH}”!=“”]?${VQ_MOH}: )})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_MOH=)
exten => 8600,n,ExecIf($[“${QMOH}”!=“”]?Set(__MOHCLASS=${QMOH}))
exten => 8600,n,ExecIf($[“${MOHCLASS}”!=“”]?Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=${MOHCLASS}))
exten => 8600,n,Set(QRETRY=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_RETRY})}>0]?${VQ_RETRY}: )})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_RETRY=)
exten => 8600,n(qoptions),Set(QOPTIONS=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_OPTIONS})}>0]?${VQ_OPTIONS}:t)}${QCANCELMISSED}${QRINGOPTS}${QRETRY}${VQ_CONTINUE})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_OPTIONS=)
exten => 8600,n(qgosub),Set(QGOSUB=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_GOSUB})}>0]?${VQ_GOSUB}:${QGOSUB})})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_GOSUB=)
exten => 8600,n(qagi),Set(QAGI=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_AGI})}>0]?${VQ_AGI}:${QAGI})})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_AGI=)
exten => 8600,n(qrule),Set(QRULE=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_RULE})}>0]?${IF($[“${VQ_RULE}”!=“0”]?${VQ_RULE}: )}:${QRULE})})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_RULE=)
exten => 8600,n(qposition),Set(QPOSITION=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_POSITION})}>0]?${VQ_POSITION}:${QPOSITION})})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_POSITION=)
exten => 8600,n,Gosub(sub-record-check,s,1(q,8600,dontcare))
exten => 8600,n,Set(__CWIGNORE=TRUE)
exten => 8600,n,ExecIf($[“${QJOINMSG}”!=“”]?Playback(${QJOINMSG}, ))
exten => 8600,n,QueueLog(8600,${UNIQUEID},NONE,DID,${FROM_DID})
exten => 8600,n,Set(QAANNOUNCE=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_AANNOUNCE})}>0]?${IF($[“${VQ_AANNOUNCE}”!=“0”]?${VQ_AANNOUNCE}: )}: )})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_AANNOUNCE=)
exten => 8600,n,Set(QMAXWAIT=${IF($[${LEN(${VQ_MAXWAIT})}>0]?${VQ_MAXWAIT}: )})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_MAXWAIT=)
exten => 8600,n,Set(QUEUENUM=8600)
exten => 8600,n,Set(QUEUEJOINTIME=${EPOCH})
exten => 8600,n(qcall),Queue(8600,${QOPTIONS},${QURL},${QAANNOUNCE},${QMAXWAIT},${QAGI},${QGOSUB},${QRULE},${QPOSITION})
exten => 8600,n,Macro(blkvm-clr,)
exten => 8600,n,ExecIf($[“${QUEUESTATUS}”=“CONTINUE”]?Set(CALLFILENAME=“”))
exten => 8600,n,Gosub(sub-record-cancel,s,1())
exten => 8600,n,Set(__NODEST=)
exten => 8600,n,Set(_QUEUE_PRIO=0)
exten => 8600,n,Set(__CWIGNORE=)
exten => 8600,n,Set(QDEST=${VQ_DEST})
exten => 8600,n,Set(VQ_DEST=)
exten => 8600,n(gotodest),GotoIf($[“${QDEST}”=“”]?:${CUT(QDEST,^,1)},${CUT(QDEST,^,2)},${CUT(QDEST,^,3)})
extensions_additional.conf does not exist in raw Asterisk, and, if issabel is based on FreePBX you MUST NOT edit it, as any changes will be overwritten by the GUI. FreePBX based systems use extension_custom.conf to do overrides, however, you may need to replace the complete extension, in which case you would put the replacement in the ext-queues-custom context, if I understand what the code here is doing. As I recall it, inline definitions always override included ones, so I don’t think you can override individual priorities.
Asterisk 11 is five years beyond end of life!
You can call AGI scripts from anywhere in the dialplan, so you need to be specific about what your AGI script is doing.
Unless you can reduce your requirement to one that involves just Asterisk, I think you will need to get your support from the Issabel community. I believe there are still active forums, but you will probably need Spanish to use them effectively.
Thanks @david551
So you say that i must move the queue from
extensions_additional.conf to extensions_custom.conf
With changing in the context container from [ext-queue] to [ext-queues-custom]
Thanks again for helping me out
I’m really saying you are asking in the wrong place, as this is all to do with how the GUI works, not how to use Asterisk.
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