What IP Phone to choose?

Best low budget IP Phone for Business use?

  • Linksys / Sipura SPA-841
  • Linksys SPA941
  • Grandstream GXP-2000
  • Aastra 9133i

0 voters


We have our Asterisk server up and running with Soft Phones. We are ready to make the next step and get a few IP phones, after much researching I have compiled a list.

The phones will be used in a small business enviroment, but wont be using more than four lines, probably two to start with. We dont need POE either.

I would like to get the community’s opinion on the best phone listed below.

Linksys / Sipura SPA-841
Linksys SPA941
Grandstream GXP-2000
Aastra 9133i

Looks like I can get all these phones for under $90 (Some used)

I have also added a poll to the topic, but I would appreciate if you could elaborate on your opinion by replying to the post as well :smile:

What is the community’s opinion?

Thanks in advance!