Weird Problem with Dial() and Music on Hold

Hi all,
I am having problems getting the dial command to work the way that I expect it to. I expect the following dialplan instructions to play music until I answer the phone.

exten => _XX.,1,NoOp(Call received from VoicePulse)
exten => _XX.,n,Wait(2)
exten => _XX.,n,Dial(SIP/user|10|m(answer_music))
exten => _XX.,n,VoiceMail(788@user)
exten => _XX.,n,Hangup

These instructions apparently work because of the following entries from the asterisk console.

– Executing [#########@voicepulse-in:1] NoOp(“SIP/from-voicepulse-08331000”, “Call received from VoicePulse”) in new stack
– Executing [#########@voicepulse-in:2] Wait(“SIP/from-voicepulse-08331000”, “2”) in new stack
– Executing [#########@voicepulse-in:3] Dial(“SIP/from-voicepulse-08331000”, “SIP/user|10|m(answer_music)”) in new stack
– Called user
– Started music on hold, class ‘answer_music’, on channel ‘SIP/from-voicepulse-08331000’
– SIP/user-08715000 is ringing
– Nobody picked up in 10000 ms
– Stopped music on hold on SIP/from-voicepulse-08331000
– Executing [#########@voicepulse-in:4] VoiceMail(“SIP/from-voicepulse-08331000”, “788@user”) in new stack
– <SIP/from-voicepulse-08331000> Playing ‘vm-intro’ (language ‘en’)
== Spawn extension (voicepulse-in, #########, 4) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/from-voicepulse-08331000’

Sadly, I can not hear the music even though reports that it is playing.

What is weird is that if I use the following I hear music.
exten => _XX.,1,NoOp(Call received from VoicePulse)
exten => _XX.,n,Wait(2)
exten => _XX.,n,Playback(/path/to/file)

Is there something that I am missing. Kind someone point me in the right direction. I thank you in advance for your assistance.