I have tried to establish a websocket connection from a browser to my asterisk server(13.17). But I have ended with the following error in asterisk console.
"res_http_websocket.c:773 __ast_websocket_uri_cb: WebSocket connection from ‘10.x.x.x:port’ could not be accepted - did not request WebSocket".
That is not how websocket is requested. A websocket URL would be “ws://10.x.x.x:8088/ws” and a Javascript application would need to establish the Websocket connection.
There is a guide provided on the wiki for using the SIP support over Websockets. If you want to use your own signaling protocol, you would need to add support to Asterisk for it.
I am using sipml5 webrtc client in my local to test webrtc.
The extensions are registered successfully.
But I am facing following error during call in browser.
TypeError: getPlugin(…).createPeerConnection is not a function
** at new RTCPeerConnection (VM306 adapter.js:471)**
** at tmedia_session_jsep01.__get_lo (tmedia_session_jsep.js?svn=252:655)**
** at tmedia_session_jsep01.tmedia_session.get_lo (tmedia_session.js?svn=252:583)**
** at tmedia_session_mgr.get_lo (tmedia_session.js?svn=252:285)**
** at tsip_dialog_invite.send_offer (tsip_dialog_invite.js?svn=252:288)**
** at tsip_dialog_invite.send_invite (tsip_dialog_invite.js?svn=252:263)**
** at tsk_fsm_entry.c0000_Started_2_Outgoing_X_oINVITE [as fn_execute] (tsip_dialog_invite__client.js?svn=252:90)**
** at tsk_fsm.act (VM324 tsk_fsm.js:91)**
** at tsip_dialog_invite.tsip_dialog.fsm_act (tsip_dialog.js?svn=252:750)**
** at tsip_session_invite.call (tsip_api_invite.js?svn=252:155)**