Has anyone used Asterisk as a solution for conferencing Only?
We have a Shoretel PBX but the pricing for their conferencing is crazy, so i thought that maybe building a Asterisk box to do Conferencing only might be a good idea.
Can i get some info on this commercial version?
It sounds like something i might be interested in. I have my own Data Center so hardware is not a issue. I just need something that can handle about 50 users in a conference and that would be the extreme Max and the average would be around 20-25 on a weekly basis.
If you are not using meetme, what can you use? Is there another way to have conference rooms with Asterisk? I’m interested in knowing this, since I have a client looking to implement a solution for conferences.
Yes I have deployed * as a commercial conferecing solution for a customer, We have multiple servers. Just dont expect to use meetme for it.
[quote=“islander”]What kind of server are you using to support this many users at the same time?
How’s webmeetme working for you, is it reliable?
[quote=“ebnerjoh”]hi, i am using webmeetme on a confernce-only-server.
I have around 200 Users at the same time on different conference-rooms logged in. No problem with cpu (no coding, only using g711a).[/quote][/quote]
I have 3 server in action. 2 are responsible to convert from ISDN to SIP and one is responsible for web-meetme. The servers are HP DL385.
In past, web-meetme had some problems. E.G.: There was a Bug that it was possible to be connected to the wrong conference-room. I do not know if this is solved or not. But all in all it is working for me. I have around 500.000 Minutes per month (since more 7 months).