Trouble with Opus in menuselect

I have CentOS 6.7 with Asterisk 11.21. It’s stable and works perfectly - but rather then getting it to handle WebRTC, we use OpenSIPS with RTPengine. This too works but we find that its a bit limiting with just ulaw and alaw as reliable codec options - and the 64k requirement per call is a little but of a kick in the nuts. The codec limitations are confusing - Why Chrome doesn’t support more codec’s is completely incomprehensible, and then there is Opus, Google’s darling codec that’s supported by… well… almost nothing including Asterisk… go figure.

Anyway, So i found this…
I am using this guys patch, and following his guide for getting Asterisk to accept Opus, After installing libopus, and the libopus-devel and anything else i could think of, the codec_opus in the menuselect is still on XXX…

Please can someone help with getting the installer/menuselect to “see” opus or libopus or whatever it wants, i would imagine, being CentOS its some missing path, or environment variable.

The only thing i could see was some reference to opus/opus.h, so i copied the files to the asterisk src folder, but still - no-go. Any other tips, tricks, etc would help.