Hi there; I’m trying to dial into a Zoom conference, send some digits,
wait, send a name, and be “in the room”, as it were.
I thought this would work:
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/02036950088@voipfone-205,12,r(callWaiting)D(WWW12345W#WW::))
But it didn’t, so I tried all of these:
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/02036950088@voipfone-205,12,r(callWaiting)D(:WWW12345W#WW:))
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/02036950088@voipfone-205,12,r(callWaiting)D(::WWW12345W#WW))
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/02036950088@voipfone-205,12,r(callWaiting)D(WWW12345W#WW:WWW12345W#WW:WWW12345W#WW))
Still nothing. So I thought send_DTMF might work.
Of course, this is too simple, and doesn’t work:
exten => s,1,Verbose(1,Dialling BCAB Zoom)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/02036950088@voipfone-205,,U(dial-zoom-bcab^called_channel^1)))
same => n,Wait(3)
same => n,SendDTMF(1234#WWW#WW)
same => n,Playback(technical-support)
same => n,SendDTMF(#)
;same => n,Wait(15)
same => n,Hangup()
So I found an example of how to dial, and then send DTMF at
exten => s,1,Verbose(1,Dialling BCAB Zoom)
same => n,Dial(PJSIP/02036950088@voipfone-205,,U(dial-zoom-bcab^called_channel^1)))
same => n,Playback(abandon-all-hope)
same => n,Hangup()
exten => called_channel,1,Answer()
same => n,Wait(3)
same => n,SendDTMF(1234#WWW#WWW)
same => n,Playback(technical-support)
same => n,SendDTMF(#)
;same => n,Wait(8)
same => n,Return()
Not only did that not work, but I rapidly got an email alerting me to
having run out of ITSP credit (fortunately I only keep £2 or so and
the calls are only 1.2p each).
What I hadn’t noticed on the log was that asterisk was making multiple
simultaneous calls, and even after I had hung up!
Here’s my ITSP log for the latest batch. The only way to stop the
calls was to restart Asterisk. I’m confused (and concerned) as hell as
to how this happened with that example code above?
Time, ext, number, duration.
12:25 205 02036950088 0:14 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:16 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:18 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:20 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:21 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:23 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:25 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:27 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:29 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:31 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:33 0.0120 0
12:25 205 02036950088 0:35 0.0120 0
12:24 205 02036950088 0:37 0.0120 0
12:24 205 02036950088 0:39 0.0120 0
12:24 205 02036950088 0:40 0.0120 0
12:24 205 02036950088 0:42 0.0120 0
12:24 205 02036950088 0:44 0.0120 0
12:24 205 02036950088 0:46 0.0120 0
12:24 205 02036950088 0:48 0.0120 0