[solved]Question about voicemail

When I do a call to an extension with the voicemail enabled, the mailbox only work if the extension is unavailable or if the extension hangs up, but if anyone answer the call, the voicemail does not answer.

I use the state b and u, is there any other state?

Thank you


Im a little lost here, Are you saying you want the call to go to voicemail even if its answered ?

COuld you xplain a little bit more.


No, I want the call goes to the voicemail if nobody answer it, and it does not occur, only goes to the voicemail if I hangup or if the extension is not enable.

Hi We need to see the dialplan. and debug of a call.


Thank you for your help Ian, that is the extensions.conf (a part)

include => oficina
include => to_isdn
include => from_isdn
include => buzon_voz


exten => 501,1,Dial(SIP/recepcion1,60)
exten => 501,2,Hangup

exten => 502,1,Dial(SIP/recepcion2,60,tTr)
exten => 502,2,Hangup

exten => 503,1,Dial(SIP/administracion,60)
exten => 503,2,Hangup

exten => 504,1,Dial(SIP/direccion,60)
exten => 504,2,Hangup

exten => 505,1,Dial(SIP/fernando,15)
exten => 505,2,Hangup
exten => 505,3,VoiceMail(u505)
exten => 505,4,HangUp
exten => 505,102,Voicemail(b505)
exten => 505,103,HangUp

exten => 6013,1,Dial(IAX2/lino/6013,90,tr)
exten => 6013,2,Hangup

;exten => _9.,1,Dial(misdn/g:outgoing/${EXTEN:1},60,th)
exten => _5757.,1,Dial(misdn/g:outgoing/${EXTEN:4},60,th)
;exten => _0.,6,Dial(IAX2/lino/${EXTEN:1},90,tr)
;exten => _0.,7,HangUp()

And in the other hand, I can´t do a call with the IAX channel using the prefix 0 (how you see in the to_isdn context, I use the system of :

exten => 6013,1,Dial(IAX2/lino/6013,90,tr)
exten => 6013,2,Hangup

What is wrong?

Thank you.

And yaht is the message I get in the CLI

-- Executing Dial("SIP/recepcion6-082576e0", "SIP/gabinete2|30") in new stack
-- Called gabinete2
-- SIP/gabinete2-08274818 is ringing
-- Nobody picked up in 30000 ms
-- Executing Hangup("SIP/recepcion6-082576e0", "") in new stack

== Spawn extension (dosarcos, 509, 2) exited non-zero on ‘SIP/recepcion6-082576e0’

Thank you again

Hi to start with

exten => 505,1,Dial(SIP/fernando,15)
exten => 505,2,Hangup
exten => 505,3,VoiceMail(u505)
exten => 505,4,HangUp
exten => 505,102,Voicemail(b505)
exten => 505,103,HangUp

should looklike

exten => 505,1,Dial(SIP/fernando,15)
exten => 505,2,VoiceMail(u505)
exten => 505,3,HangUp
exten => 505,102,Voicemail(b505)
exten => 505,103,HangUp


Thank you Ian, It works :smiley: