SendFAX use with free Digium Solution

Hello ,

I’am trying to use the SendFax application in the free digim fax solution . The probem I have is that a waring appears saying that : WARNING[5378]: res_fax.c:2835 acf_faxopt_write: channel ‘SIP/0412345678-00000000’ set FAXOPT(filename) to ‘/112676251.tif’ is unhandled!
[Apr 24 18:09:26] WARNING[5378]: res_fax.c:2835 acf_faxopt_write: channel ‘SIP/0412345678-00000000’ set FAXOPT(filename) to ‘112676251.tif’ is unhandled!

I’ve built the tiff file using ghostscript to convert pdf to tiff with the next command : gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -r204x196 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -sOutputFile=${input_file_tif} -f $input_file.

I’am waiting for your answer .
Thanks in advance.