I am trying to add a second network card into an AsteriskNow installation.I have now tried several cards…eventually buying two of the same. They all are recognised and drivers are installed, but no matter what I do the second card will not pick up an IP address. The reason i want a second network card is so i can give it another IP and secure the device behind a firewall on a different IP. I have tried giving the card static ips but the second cards never accept any incomming connection from the lan either…?
What am i doing wrong i have been struggling with this for months now… it seems a pathetic hurdle to get stuck on… (i had previsouly setup a different box with one card and it worked perfectly well, but now i want to secure it i’m stuck…)
Thank you all in advance for any help you can offer.
I have a load of files or folders in there IFCFG-eth0, ifcfg-eth1 ifcfg-eth2 ifcfg-lo infact possibly too many enterin here… but i have just read somehwere that only eth0 is enabled by default the other card needs to be manually enabled… not sure how though…
Thanks Ian, i tried typing ifcfg-eth1 but it said command not found ? and didn’t open the file so not sure what command i should be using really. Thank you for your help…I will venture forth toward google now.
Thanks for the direction, but i am unable to buy that for a couple of weeks. I have got a working Asterisk box and have managed that config fine… i’m just struggling what i thought wold be a straight foward command… or a way to open this file using an editor of some description.
I really want to get this nic up and running ASAP i have found on the internet “Note that eth0 alone is enabled by default. Other interfaces must be enabled manually(Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-interfaces/ifcfg-ethx and set ONBOOT=yes).”
Would it be possible for someone to kindly post the command i need to edit this second nic appropriately.
You now has the answer, you need to edit your ifcfg-ethx file, or in RH based distro use: system-config-network-tui from console, select your card save and restart the network with service network restart and you done it.
I appreciate your help and have been using google… but all everyone says is “edit your ifcfg-ethx file”
but HOW? do i need to use putty, i’m currently trying from the console… I have navigated to the /sysconfig/network-scripts folder and i have tried
edit ifcfg-eth1,
open ifcfg-eth1…
this is where i’m getting stuck, i don’t know the HOW bit… looked through centos Wiki, gone onto variousl linux forums… just need the HOw PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeease… i’m sure this is basic stuff but as a newbie i don’t know the answer.
Oh I see, yes to edit manually you need a text editor. In console put this command:
nano /etc/sysconfig/network-interfaces/ifcfg-ethx, nano is the text editor. If nano isnt installed try yum install nano. Or try with:
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-interfaces/ifcfg-ethx, vi is another text editor, but nano is easier.
I recommend to you use this command if you are using CENTOS:
Then press enter and the console turn a blue screen you can navigate with the down or up keys and tab. Press enter for edit the desired device etc.