is there a way to get a second dialtone with a Digium phone?
in my SIP dialplan on a polycom I can put 9,1800xxxxxxx and after the ‘9’ the user hears second dialtone before completing the call…
on an Aastra it is 9;1800xxxxxxx
how do I do this on the Digium phones? im getting complaints by my Test customers already…
Why is it so important to fake a limitation of obsolete technology?
this paerticular operation may be obsolete and as a telecom / network guy it means nothing… however to admins working in sales esp in a hospitality environment they make a big deal of everything… as a rule we are replacing legacy systems with asterisk based systems… people dot want to change… many of them somewhat close to retirement and feel they just need to pass on through till they retire out rather than learn new stuff…
anyone reading this forum is likely to be well aware second dialtone is completely fake… the Hotel Guestrooms even more experience this… however i have a solution for that with analog gateways… that same solution doesnt work on Feature sets…
we have actually lost sales due to it… so bottom line is we want to fake an obsolete operation because it costs money not to have it…
the Digium phones are excellent pieces of hardware… at or just above the cost of Aastra sets depending on discount level they provide a much higher quality audio… the DPMA is a big selling point for us over using Polycom phones in an XML environment… as is also the promise of an Application API that we can use to create custom hospitality-geared apps for the phones…
If you must have this now, you can simulate it on the server, but it would make the calllog on the phone a little less useful (but then the old technology doesn’t have calllogs on the phone).
Have 9 call directly into app_disa and then collect the remaining digits and bridge the call on the server.
we used to do that(and still do with analog) but it caused issues with certain speed-call keys set on phones that wanted to go external… ive got a ticket into digium and asked them this question as well as to why the ringtone feature using DPMA didnt want to function correctly…
trust me I wholeheartedly agree that this “feature” is obsolete… but in the Hospitality world there are lots of old dogs that refuse to learn new tricks… and when a product is new and trying to get established… (our hospitality offering) we really dont need lots of barking in the beginning…
the younger generations of employees could care less in fact they love the fact you can dial in a number and then place the call…(eliminating the want for second dialtone)… allowing them the same feature as a cell phone backspacing… most legacy PBX’s you had to go off-hook…and a mis-dial placed a call…