For you and for others reading this thread. The first and best place to go for support on Digium’s products, including phone products, is right to Digium’s Support department. They can be contacted via telephone:
+1 256 428 6000
or via the web:
You should really, really, really contact them. Working with Support is more efficient than working via a web forum. Also, I’m not actually in the Support department, Digium only does Support via its Support department. So with anything I post, your mileage may vary.
When I say “” you understand that I’m talking about what you’ve defined in the square brackets for the type=phone definition, right?
Where I’ve got a phone defined like:
I’d send:
digium_phones reconfigure phone malcolm
If you hit the tab key after typing:
digium_phones reconfigure phone
you’ll see a list of the available phone profiles. That includes both phones that do have active sessions and can be contacted as well as phones that do not have active sessions and cannot be contacted.
What you see is the message you get when a particular phone is not in communication with the DPMA. It means there’s no active session for the phone. Thus, we can’t tell that phone anything. Does the DPMA think you have an active session for your phone?
To check, do:
digium_phones show sessions.
Does it return a session for the phone with the MAC matching the one you’re trying to reconfigure?
For example…
I get:
malcolm*CLI> digium_phones show sessions
---- Digium Phone Module Active Sessions ----
SessionID:883127953670948560 SecondsAlive:61002 SecondsLastActivity:60986 Contact:sip:;ob Auth:Yes Inactive:No MAC:00MYSECRETMAC
— Total active sessions:1 —
And the MAC address of the phone that’s claimed the “malcolm” phone profile matches the MAC reported by digium_phones show sessions. So, I know I’ve got a session to that phone. So, I know I can tell it to reconfigure from the DPMA.
If there’s no session for the phone I’m trying to reconfigure, then I won’t be able to reconfigure it.