is it possible to integate asterisk 1.4 with openser 1.1 if so can any one explain me how or point me to those resources.
thx for the help
is it possible to integate asterisk 1.4 with openser 1.1 if so can any one explain me how or point me to those resources.
thx for the help
If you only need OpenSer to do HA and Faul Tolerancy to an Asterisk farm, it is not very dificult to use the “dispatcher” module to forward request to the appropiate Asterisk.
See here: openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.ph … th_openser
Take a look also on the following resources:
openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.ph … ail_system
thx a lot for the reply i’ll take a look into those n will get back to you as soon as i finish reading those resources.thx.