I have installed and setup AsteriskNow and have been using it for the last year or so and have made quite a nice setup. I have a TDM400 PSTN card with 2 lines (one uses ADSL) and 8 CISCO SIP handsets.
The problem i have in the last 8 months i have had problems with Asterisk seeing an incomming call, no picking up the CID and haning up. The call just keeps rining and rining. I have upgraded the core nad associated modules via the module upgrade and everythng is reporting as ok. Dialplans and outbound calls are ok.
starting post polarity CID channel 1
starting simple switch on DAHDI 1/1
hangup DAHDI 1/1
I have read through mounds of associated info and have checked the settinhgs for the region are =uk, and im using kewlstart. I have changed ADSL filters and to see if that is the problem but after nearly a year im getting a bit stuck. Both channels are good and are not in alarm.
The lines come i the building from a overhead cable which was damaged and had a repair done on it so im wondering if it has got a lloose connection.
If anyone can suggest any other stuff i can check i would be appreciated.
PS> i also have a random pearl script error but it seems to be with the GUIā¦ not sure about this as im not good with peral.