Question about Request SIP URI


Is it possible to place Port number in Request URI configuration? If it’s can some tell me where to look that configuration.

Regards and thanks a lot.

You’ll need to be specific. Under which SIP channel driver?

On that question i can’t answer to you cause customer have Asterisk server on his side.
Problem is that his Asterisk wont sent OPTIONS to our EDGE Proxy side.
We tell him to add Port on Request URI after make debug on our side. He told us its impossible.
Can you just confirm to me is it possible or not?
And if it’s possible i guess that is or i wrong?

Thanks a lot.

For chan_sip I don’t think there’s a way. For chan_pjsip I believe the port will be included if it is present in the contact and is not 5060.

That’s what I think also for chan_sip configuration. Can you maybe take a look on some chan_pjsip and confirm that it’s possible and on witch line from conf file?
Please? This will be very helpfully to me.

Thanks a lot on this.

It would be configured on the contact on the AOR.

Address of Record have that options for changing. I checked that now on chan_pjsip configure file.
Just I need to ask you one more thing. I saw now that customer have Asterisk PBX 11.6-cert11 on his site. If I’m right that is old one Asterisk and not have chan_pjsip module? Even on Reference.pdf files I not found chan_pjsip. Other wise Asterisk 13 Release for example have that module on Reference.pdf files.
Can you confirm that I’m right from that side? That explain all when customer says that he cant place that on configure file of his Asterisk.

Thank you jcolp!

The PJSIP channel driver does not exist in Asterisk 11, so they would be using chan_sip. I don’t know how (or if) such a thing could be configured there. That version of Asterisk is also no longer supported.

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Thank you for help on this conversation. Appreciate that!

Best regards,