Thanks to everyone for the great advice on VOIP-to-PSTN providers. I found one (LINK2VOIP) that worked but their lines were so static filled I could not hear the callee and they could not hear me. The best part about their service though was I could set my callerid to whatever I wanted. Without going into to too much detail, this is what started me on the journey into Asterisk in the first place. I needed a way to spoof my callerid on the fly and change it to whatever suits me at the moment. LINK2VOIP allowed this but their quality sux the big red one.
I have subscribed to Splitinfinity’s service and they have really clear lines as well as their support is courteous and helpful. But I cannot set my callerid to what I want unless I contact them and ask them to change it for me. I’m looking for a service with clear, static free lines, that allows me the ability to change my conf file to show whatever callerid I want. Oh yes, the must be Asterisk compatible and offer low rates.