I have multiple phones connected to a single incoming line (with multiple concurrent calls).
When a incoming call comes, all phones, SIP computer clients, and mobile clients ring correctly. However, when I answer the call somewhere, all other clients/phones record a “missed call”.
Here’s how I dial the phone inside extensions.conf when a incoming call has been authorized:
exten => s,7,Dial(“SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2&SIP/phone3&Local/s@no-op”,180,r)
The no-op is there for the calling line (incoming line) to correctly generate calling tones “duuuuuuuut … duuuuuuuuut … duuuuuuuut” while waiting for answer. Without the no-op, the phone would be completely silent to the caller once it waits for me to pickup the phone.
Have looked into SLA (Shared line apperance), but that completely occupies the whole line once a incoming call is authorized. Thats not what I want. Today, all phones work independent of each other, so a new call can be established (my operator supports multiple concurrent calls on the same line) while another call on the outgoing line is in progress.
The only thing I want to do, is to make sure asterisk tell the other phones NOT to record a missed call, when the call has been answered on a phone.