Please guide me for installation

I use these 2 commands

wget … .15.tar.gz

tar -xvzf asterisk-1.2.15.tar.gz

What next command i use for installation

I tried this command ( cd …/asterisk-1.2.15 )
[root@RH-60 ~]# cd …/asterisk-1.2.15
-bash: cd: …/asterisk-1.2.15: No such file or directory

Please see the error .

Please tell me proper command for installation

you might want to read up a bit on how to use the Linux command line. if you cd …/asterisk-1.2.15 it will go up one folder, then look for the asterisk folder which of course isnt there. you want the folder just asterisk in the current folder, ie
cd asterisk or cd ./asterisk

ls = print contents of current directory
cd (directory) = change directory to somewhere
pwd = tell you what directory you’re in

./somefolder- somefolder thats in the current directory you are in. IE if you are in /usr/src, cd ./somefolder will put you in /usr/src/somefolder.
…/somefolder- somefolder thats one level above the directory you are in. IE if you are in /usr/src, cd …/somefolder will put you in /usr/somefolder.
/somefolder- somefolder thats in the root directory. cd /somefolder will put you in /somefolder no matter where you were before.

generally you install zaptel first and then Asterisk, so you have a timing source. However if you really want just a simple sequence of commands this should work:

first make sure you have kernel source installed, often can be done with yum install kernel kernel-devel

cd /usr/src
wget (zaptel source tarball)
wget (asterisk source tarball)
tar -zxvf (asterisk source tarball)
tar -zxvf (zaptel source tarball)
cd zaptel
make (and make sure it makes okay)
make install
make config
service zaptel start (make sure it comes up okay)
cd …/asterisk
make (and make sure it makes okay)
make install
make config
asterisk -vvvc (check for errors if none quit with ctrl-c)
service asterisk start

just FYI- make compiles the program. make install puts the compiled program where the system can easily run it. make config sets up init scripts that make it start when the computer boots, also letting you start it with service ____ start/stop/restart.

hope that helps