PJSIP Shutting transport

Hello, I have a situation.

Some times my asterisk server stoped response a SIP and after this all endpoints dropped

in console I received
res_pjsip/pjsip_transport_management.c: Shutting down transport 'TCP

So when this happens I need restart asterisk and all returns to work

That message occurs if a TCP or TLS SIP connection is established but no SIP traffic flows over it. Is this the case?

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Thank you for answer

i dont use tls in case. I receive this message and all connections sip stoped including udp

As I said, it applies to both TCP and TLS. If the message has come up then something connected and sent nothing. What version of Asterisk?

My version is Version 17.0.0

Then Iā€™d suggest determining what exactly has connected. If you do a wireshark capture do you see the traffic that you believe Asterisk is not seeing and processing? Are there any other messages? What does a deadlock backtrace look like[1]?

[1] https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Getting+a+Backtrace

In next stop I will to capture traffic with wireshark and up asterisk with backtrace.

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