I’m trying MessageSend aplication with PJSIP Endpoints. If the endpoints are online all works correctly. If a endpoint is offline and I send it a MESSAGE:
Executing [1003@message-pjsip:1] NoOp(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “Mensaje de “1000” sip:1000@”) in new stack
Executing [1003@message-pjsip:2] NoOp(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “Mensaje para pjsip:1003@”) in new stack
Executing [1003@message-pjsip:3] NoOp(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “Texto = hola3”) in new stack
Executing [1003@message-pjsip:4] MessageSend(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “pjsip:1003,“1000” sip:1000@”) in new stack
Executing [1003@message-pjsip:5] NoOp(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “Estado del mensaje SUCCESS”) in new stack
Executing [1003@message-pjsip:6] Hangup(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (message-pjsip, 1003, 6) exited non-zero on ‘Message/ast_msg_queue’
[Oct 21 17:09:53] ERROR[19784]: res_pjsip.c:3159 create_out_of_dialog_request: Unable to retrieve contact for endpoint 1003
[Oct 21 17:09:53] ERROR[19784]: res_pjsip_messaging.c:622 msg_send: PJSIP MESSAGE - Could not create request
My PJSIP dialplan:
exten => _X.,1,Noop(Mensaje de ${MESSAGE(from)})
same => n,Noop(Mensaje para ${MESSAGE(to)})
same => n,Noop(Texto = ${MESSAGE(body)})
same => n,Messagesend(pjsip:${EXTEN},${MESSAGE(from)})
same => n,Noop(Estado del mensaje ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS})
same => n,Hangup
The ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS} variable always contain SUCCESS.
If I use chan_sip:
Executing [1002@message:1] NoOp(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “Mensaje de “1000” sip:1000@”) in new stack
– Executing [1002@message:2] NoOp(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “Mensaje para sip:1002@”) in new stack
– Executing [1002@message:3] NoOp(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “Texto = Hola3”) in new stack
– Executing [1002@message:4] MessageSend(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “sip:1002,“1000” sip:1000@”) in new stack
– Executing [1002@message:5] NoOp(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “Estado del mensaje FAILURE”) in new stack
– Executing [1002@message:6] Hangup(“Message/ast_msg_queue”, “”) in new stack
== Spawn extension (message, 1002, 6) exited non-zero on ‘Message/ast_msg_queue’
The ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS} variable always contain FAILURE (Correct)
My SIP dialplan:
exten => _X.,1,Noop(Mensaje de ${MESSAGE(from)})
same => n,Noop(Mensaje para ${MESSAGE(to)})
same => n,Noop(Texto = ${MESSAGE(body)})
same => n,Messagesend(sip:${EXTEN},${MESSAGE(from)})
same => n,Noop(Estado del mensaje ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS})
same => n,Hangup
Any hint?