Before, when I returned to my asterisk with “asterisk -rvvvv”, I had logs live in my console.
But now I no longer have anything, even with the command on the console to change the logs level I no longer have any logs.
Before, when I returned to my asterisk with “asterisk -rvvvv”, I had logs live in my console.
But now I no longer have anything, even with the command on the console to change the logs level I no longer have any logs.
What logs are you expecting to see? For example, you make a call and see nothing?
When you say “the command on the console to change the logs level” - what one specifically are you referencing?
What is in your “logger.conf” file? Run: cat /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
“you make a call and see nothing” → Yes
“what one specifically are you referencing?” → core set verbose 4
Logger.conf :
;debug_log_123456 => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf
Problem resolved !
I reset my logger.conf