No Authentication in Sip Trunk

Hi All,
I am new in Asterisk, I am trying to create trunk between my server to VoIP provider. My VoIP provider shared with me only IP details(for trunk) and they dont use username and password but whenever I used this command asterisk -rx “sip show registry” then below message always appeared

‘No Authentication’

Host dnsmgr Username Refresh State Reg.Time N xxx 105 No Authentication 15:33:12

And then I used below commands for further check:
sip show peers
TCL/test is trunk name

Name/username Host Dyn Forcerport Comedia ACL Port Status Description Realtime
xxxx/xxxx xxx.xx.0.xx D Yes Yes A 58624 OK (12 ms) Cached RT
TCL/test Yes Yes A 5060 OK (2 ms) Cached RT

If you want any other information then let me know

Thanks alot

If Your provider doesn’t use username and password pair, than I would guess it’s an IP-based authentication, which means, that

[ul]- Your Provider should know Your IP-address

  • No Registration is necessary for using there service[/ul]

In this case a registry-line in sip.conf is not applicable.
Just check with Your provider and it’s helpline whether these assumptions are correct or not.