Need some support about m-audio 10101lt with asterisks

i am having m-audio 1010LT card , i want configure 10 lines of the card as a asterisks channels.
is anybody can help me to solve this probleam.
presently i am working on RHEL4 machine.

Does it have linux drivers?

I’m guessing you’ll be using dsp/console or something like that - don’t know the limits or how to do it exactly.

HI, cris,
by default it is using ALSA driver i am able to record and play sounds files on it.

it should work fine if i works in ALSA. I am using a 8 channel sound card as well with Asterisk, and it works okay. Type ’ aplay -l ’ and post it here ill help you set it up.

Hi ds77,
thanks for reply
here is the output of the aply -l
[root@localhost ~]# aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: M1010LT [M Audio Delta 1010LT], device 0: ICE1712 multi [ICE1712 multi]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root


Hi ds77,
thanks for reply
here is the output of the aply -l
[root@localhost ~]# aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: M1010LT [M Audio Delta 1010LT], device 0: ICE1712 multi [ICE1712 multi]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root


hmm seems only one subdevice there, normally there should be all 10 of them.

in any case you can try and configure asterisk with chan_alsa, or just load chan_alsa by either enabling it in modules.conf or just go to asterisk and ‘module load chan_alsa’ that should load the channel driver for the soundcard and you should be able to use it as a normal channel.

i am not sure if the card is configured correctly as it shows only one subdevice, on my system aplay -l shows like 8 subdevices, one for each channel of the soundcard.

Hi ds77,
can you tell me which linux your using?
i am new to alsa and asterisks.
if i run the alsamixer then i am able to see 8 channels.
i just added this card in my system and rebooted it. it is automatically get configured. is there is any special setting for 1010Lt card.
if you want then i can switch to RHEL5.
can you send me example files of modules.conf file.

Hi ds77,
can you send me the configuration steps for 1010lt cards?


your linux is fine, it doesnt matter which linux you use, im using Centos 5.

As far as i know you might need to configure alsa with the specific card drivers, but maybe it works using the ICE1712 chipset.

as for the modules.conf, just edit the existing modules.conf within asterisk, you will see a part there ‘noload =>’ or things like ‘load =>’.

Just make sure ‘noload=>’ is set and ‘load=>’ so that will make sure chan_alsa is loaded

then restart asterisk and type ‘show channeltypes’ you should see a Console channel there.

you can then try do dial it by dialing making an extension to Dial(console/dsp) and it should dial the card.

where are you based, if you need help i can try to look at it for you.

hi ds77,
i am in NOIDA,DELHI(india)
if you are in india then, i can call you?

i did the changes as per your instuction. it is using alsa default channel.
– Executing [s@local:1] Wait(“ALSA/default”, “1”) in new stack
– Executing [s@local:2] Answer(“ALSA/default”, “”) in new stack
<< Console call has been answered >>
– Executing [s@local:3] Set(“ALSA/default”, “TIMEOUT(digit)=5”) in new stack
– Digit timeout set to 5
– Executing [s@local:4] Set(“ALSA/default”, “TIMEOUT(response)=10”) in new stack
– Response timeout set to 10
– Executing [s@local:5] BackGround(“ALSA/default”, “demo-congrats”) in new stack
– <ALSA/default> Playing ‘demo-congrats.gsm’ (language ‘en’)

show chhaneltype does not exit in my asterisks
here is the part of modules.conf
; Load one of: chan_oss, alsa, or console (portaudio).
; By default, load chan_oss only (automatically).
load =>
noload =>
;noload =>

console dial is successful very frist time after that it is throwing following error
console dial
*CLI> – Executing [s@local:1] Wait(“ALSA/default”, “1”) in new stack
[Feb 6 16:20:56] ERROR[13332]: chan_alsa.c:451 alsa_read: Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
– Executing [s@local:2] Answer(“ALSA/default”, “”) in new stack
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:521:(snd_pcm_hw_prepare) SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_PREPARE failed: Device or resource busy
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:549:(snd_pcm_hw_start) SNDRV_PCM_IOCTL_START failed: File descriptor in bad state
<< Console call has been answered >>
– Executing [s@local:3] Set(“ALSA/default”, “TIMEOUT(digit)=5”) in new stack
– Digit timeout set to 5
– Executing [s@local:4] Set(“ALSA/default”, “TIMEOUT(response)=10”) in new stack
– Response timeout set to 10
– Executing [s@local:5] BackGround(“ALSA/default”, “demo-congrats”) in new stack
– <ALSA/default> Playing ‘demo-congrats.gsm’ (language ‘en’)
Rupesh Motewar

no im not in india, not sure whats going on there, maybe its not hanging up properly or something.

lots of things to check i guess im not sure how to troubleshoot this over a forum, do you have access or can the machine be accessed remotely or something is it

at present
machine access is not possible, for that i have to take permision.
if you want then i can send you configuration files.

one more thing is that in my system .asoundrc file not present.
as wellas /etc/asound.conf is not present. as pre alsa document it is neccesary.
if possible can you send me your .asoundrc file then i can manage here.

I got the permisions,
can you tell me at what time i shuld put the system on static ip so you can access the machine remotly.



am not sure what the time differences is, i might go out now for a while, do you have msn messenger or something, whats your login lets try to see on IM

sorry i don’t have googletalk i am able to chat with you on gmail
my e-mail_id is
can i know where are you based?

ok am just running out of the office now, will be back in about 30 mins or so. am based in malaysia at the moment.

my office is going to close,
i am leaving now. time diffrence is 2 hrs
i will catch you tomarrow 9.30am/india(11.30am/malaysia)

which sound card your using

im using a Digigram VX series , and a very expensive one as well. but it works ok took a bit of effort to get it working but eventually its fine.