Need help in building a small call center!

Hello All! I need to setup a call center where a person in US calls a number and the number is then directed to have multiple options to route the call to first, second or third local number here in Pakistan. I am new to Asterisks, can someone please guide me the steps to make this possible. Thank you in advance.

Hi There @Adnan11 ,
Hope that you’re fine,

If you require step by step guide i recommend you to take a Asterisk course given by some “institution”, there are a few e-courses that you could look for,

Else, you could start your own “dialplan coding” and ask for specific assistance on this community,

Last but not least, you could wait for a good soul to help you, but maybe it will cost you for a definitive solution, after all you’re getting paid for someone else (I imagine of course) and time is gold.

Hope this helps you
Kind Regards!

Why the necessity to direct to external DIDs? You will incur extra charges from your VOIP provider doing this. The proper way of doing this is all your agents have extensions on your PBX and as soon as someone calls the DID; they will be directed to an agent.

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